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Friday, May 13, 2005

A Question of Ethics - Reprise

Mood: Relaxed
Movie on in the background: American Beauty

Ethics be damned.

Like I said, they're not my ethics anyway. People can just butt the hell out. Well, since no one will know anyway, I don't suppose it matters. Hence the justification for my decision: why should I worry about what other people would think when they won't even know? And that's not even taking into account that it's none of their damn business anyway.

So that's that.

Just, FYI, I'm doing a whole helluva lot better now that that's off my shoulders. I've been more able to enjoy what's going on now.

Sorry for the ambiguity, friends. I know it's driving some of you crazy (thanks for the memos guys). Just know that I'm doing much better now.



Blogger Jon Fish said...

There are many things we do that are sins which are not unethical (I'll take fornication for $100 plz, Alex). Likewise, there are many unethical things we do the are not sins.

Now I won't say either/or on my current situation. However were the ethical implications not a problem, then the "sin" aspect would certainly not curtail my actions here. I'm a dirty secular humanist, I know, but I've made my peace with God.

11:26 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man, if you wanna do something unethical go for it. Justifying it on some obscure premise doesn't make it better, it just makes you feel better about doing it.


12:43 PM

Blogger Jon Fish said...

Ah Brain, thank you for trying to make me feel bad about my justification. The thing is, since it's not something "bad", then I'm not worried about feeling bad about it lol. I'll cya later man.

6:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just because YOU define it as "not bad" doesn't make your actions justifiable; you may continue to reframe your issue, but you cannot make the ethical dilemma disappear. If your peers would disapprove as you have suggested, regardless if they will ever know, then your validity is null and void as an authority and you should remove yourself from the project. It matters not if you feel bad about it, all that matters is you are a dirty whore with no concern for ethics.


9:51 PM

Blogger Jon Fish said...

...I'm just confused now. I'll just stick with the whole its not unethical because of an overbearing PC culture that has lost all concept of what is right versus what won't hurt people's feelings. And for future reference, I prefer the term prostitute.

(For those that are confused, Brian's a friend and a professional Devil's Advocate that gets endless pleasure from making me doubt myself. But its okay because he's the only person on earth dedicating his life to something less productive than me.)

1:57 AM


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