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Friday, October 28, 2005

Halo 2 is cathartic

Mood: Content
TV on in the background: Halo 2 introduction video on loop as I forgot to turn off my XBox before I sat down.

I think it is well established that I love video games. I was practically raised on them. While the rest of you were soaking up MTV, I was immersed in violence and death wrought by my own hands. I don't even think I ever watched MTV until my junior year in high school when I discovered Daria, one of the best TV shows ever.

Anyway, when I've had a stressful day or even just a completely boring day when nothing happens, I jsut can't wait to come home and pick up that controller and pound out a level or two of Halo 2. It is, without a doubt, the best first-person shooter ever made. The game has been out almost a year now, and I've probably beaten it over three dozen times, but it's just so fun even now to sit down and play one of those levels for about 30 minutes or so before I get right back to work on homework or writing a column or working grad school stuff. Just that thirty minute break each day is enough to keep me going.

When I have the time, of course, I like to play a great deal more than those thirty minutes. But I find that smashing an elite in the back of the head with the stock of my Battle Rifle or getting those two perfect head shots on a Brute with the Carbine (one to knock his helmet off, the other to lay him out for good) or just opening up on a mass of Grunts with two bullet hoses that are the SMGs, even for jsut a few minutes each afternoon, can really make my day that much better.

I'm not a violent person. I never have been. For example, I don't recall ever getting into a fight in my life. I do like to go out to the range and shoot some occasionally, though I got my fill of that this summer that's for sure. But in general, I've never really done anything violent.

Speaking of not having a transition...

This has been a particularly hard week for me. An ex of mine that subsequently ruined several friendships out of sheer malice has been causing trouble again. Nothing I couldn't deal with, but the simple knowledge that she just can't move on over six months later is stress enough. But it was nice to know that Cortana and Master Chief would be waiting on me when I got home to take all of the day's struggles and help melt them away before I dove right back in to the work that still lay ahead.



Blogger Jon Fish said...

I heard that.

12:48 AM


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