My Life Starring Jon Fish - Part 1: My Family
I'm gonna try to start a new fad in the blog world. Everyone's always posting little quizzes and such, so I'm gonna start my own. Basically, you pick who would star in your life if it were a TV show and tell why. Let's see if it catches on. Today we'll just do my family. Later on I'll eventually get to friends, teachers, bosses, etc.
My Family
Dad: Jake Morgendorffer from MTV's Daria
I love Daria. It was arguably the best show MTV ever had, though honestly, that isn't saying much. Jake is absolutely the funniest "dad" character ever created. Despite his seemingly present in a cloud of persistent cluelessness and his tendency to fly into a rage at the mere mention of his father or anything that triggers his memories of military school, Jake is often given to wisdom and really does care abot his family. Besides, it's always fun to have a borderline psychotic for a father.
Mom: Beatrix Kiddo aka The Bride from Kill Bill
Without a doubt, one of the coolest female characters in the history of cinema. Let's put it this way: I'd never disobey if she were my mom. Plus I figure she could teach me some cool shit with a katana. On the other hand, Uma Thurman is incredibly hot and that might cause some Oedipel issues later on...
Younger Brother: Eric Cartman from South Park
Irreverent. Racist. Biggoted. Retarted. Hilarious. I would want to grow up next to this kid just to see all the crap he gets into, because it really is the funniest thing I've ever seen.
Younger Sister: Daria Morgendorffer from MTV's Daria
Did I mention I loved this show? Anyway, when I see Daria I see a reflection of myself as a teenager. Smart, sarcastic, nihilistic, and hilarious. Ah, what I would have done for an intellectual equal in high school like her.
Creepy Uncle: Dr. Strangelove from Stanley Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove
I figure if you're going to have a creepy uncle, you might as well have the creepiest person in cinematic history.
Cousins: Gabe and Tycho from Penny Arcade
Gabe: I did punch a baby anger. In my defense, the baby was being kind of a dick.
Tycho: Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul.
Need I say more?
Alright It's gettin pretty late. I think I'll wrap it up for tonight. Next time: Friends and Neighbors.
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