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Thursday, December 01, 2005



The Obelisk of Buenos Aires is covered with a giant condom to commemorate World AIDS Day December 1, 2005. According to a report issued by ONUSIDA (UN AIDS), the number of people infected with the HIV virus in Latin America had risen over the last year from 1.6 to 1.8 million. REUTERS/Enrique Marcarian

I realize they're trying to make a statement, but that's just too goddamn funny to take seriously.

Okay, now it's time for the requsite penis joke that this picture demands and that every male will say upon seeing this picture:

"Oh, they make condoms that big? I guess I'll be able to use them now."

See? I didn't want to do it. I just didn't have a choice. I doubt I could fit this one in my wallet though.


PS Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's hilarious. I found the wallet by the way... but thanks for the kind words!

3:21 PM


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