Welcome to my random thoughts diary. Here I dish about philosophy, life, people, and myself. I'll talk about pretty much anything BUT politics here, so have a look and hopefully you'll leave here with something to think about.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Commies Are Coming!

It's funny, the day after I post about Red Dawn being the greatest movie of all time, my buddy John Brown finds a quiz which allows you to find out which Red Dawn character you would be if the Soviets invaded your town. Take a look:

The Executioner
Robert Morris...-The Executioner-...You are loyal
and brave(to a fault) but you are also a
psychotic killing-machine. Seek professional
help NOW! ;-)

Which Red Dawn Character Are You?

Awesome. How ironic - the right wing nutjob gets to be the cool collected "nice guy" leader and the peacenik pinko gets to be the one-man killing machine. On the other hand, I always wondered if I needed professional help. Good thing there are joke internet quizzes to help me figure these things out. At least you know that when the revolution comes, you'll be glad to have me on your side.

~Peace (we're just full of irony today)


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