Welcome to my random thoughts diary. Here I dish about philosophy, life, people, and myself. I'll talk about pretty much anything BUT politics here, so have a look and hopefully you'll leave here with something to think about.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

My perception of the world

I was bored, so I made a new desktop. This amalgam (yeah, draw that!) reflects how I percieve pretty much the rest of the world. It looks fine on my widescreen laptop, but probably looks kinda weird on a normal screen. The strips come from my favorite webcomic, http://penny-arcade.com. If you liked em, you should go check 'em out. Anyway, I should probably sleep sometime in the near future. G'Nite.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone else in the world would title it. Jon Fish, finds things important that no one else gives a shit about.


4:11 AM


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