leet X-Box 360 pwnz joo
Mood: Happy
TV: Kameo intro on loop while I type
Alright, that's about the extent of my gamer vocabulary, and I'm not even sure I used it right.
Anyway, I finally got a call from EB; my X-Box 360 preorder came in.
It's fantastic.
It's incredibly user friendly and you can also download all sorts of old arcade games, movie and game trailers, interviews and previews, and other upgrades for free, or if you want you can pay a little extra ad download some complete games and other things. It's really cool.
The box itself is deceptive. Its smaller than the original X-Box (though still larger than the PS2) but it weighs just as much, if not more. One of the coolest parts is the completely wireless concept. The only cords are power and TV plugs. It wirelessly connects to my router and has wireless controllers, which is just cool.
Anyway, I went ahead and splurged and got two games with it; Kameo: Elements of Power and Condemned: Criminal Origins.
Kameo is really cool. You're a sort of elf/wizard/faerie-type thing that, as she collects new spirits, can shapeshift into about a dozen different creatures with unique powers and abilities. It's an over-the-shoulder adventure/RPG title with rich, expansive, and very colorful and well designed maps and creatures. It reminds me of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask for N64, which was incredible, but with ten times the depth and size, which is saying a ton if you ever played it. The combat is dynamic and the problem-solving and story elements are very well done. The graphics clearly aren't pushing the system to its limits, but it still looks better than any game produced on any other system to date (PC excluded of course). Textures and details look simplistic from a distance, but as you zoom in, you see how much detail is in every aspect. In short, Kameo is fantastic. Grade: A
Condemned is a unique twist on the psychological thriller/survival horror genre pioneered by the Resident Evil and Silent Hill series (the latter of which is far superior hehe). The twist with Condemned is that it's a first person game, allowing for more dynamic, faster-paced action than previously seen in the genre, save for perhaps F.E.A.R. (which was decent, but got very old very quick, and was much more focused on the action than the thriller aspect). Condemned seems to have found a perfect blend between fast paced-action and complex, involved story and horror. I haven't had much time to play it as I've been enthralled with Kameo, but its a solid game. The graphics in this game are exceptional, probably the best I've ever seen on a console. Lighting and shadows are dynamic, there are no pixels or jagged edges anywhere, cloth looks and moves like real cloth, water reflects light and shadow, and the textures are painstakingly well done. It looks phenominal. The game has been a little slow so far, but I have high hopes. It's not quite as good as Kameo, but it's definately got potential. If I ever get around to playing it. Grade: B
Alright, I've been here too long and not playing my X-Box. I love you guys, but I mean come on, it's X-Box 360! Lol
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